humans and coincidences.


sugar in the morning – ‚be guided by humans and coincidences‘. true words I read these days on a travel photo journal from dear friends. my new life not only travel motto. María my breakfast guest today is one of these people who brought into my life inspiration and sometimes pure pleasure – until today ‚only online‘ – but the next Stockholm flight is almost booked. the first I stumbled over from María was a three friends from Spain journal called ‚nothern journals –  a guide to Stockholm and all things Swedish‘. followed by words, moving recipes, and great real life portraits. and what a delightful coincidence that she baked and brought us today a sourdough fruit bread – I recently admired by my bread queen Hanny and a recipe I already received from Jess even a dear guiding online people – but this is another (breakfast) story. The dough as it bakes smells so wonderful. The final loaf was pleasingly rustic and tasted wonderful – so moist inside and the crust is crispy, crackly, malty intense – because of the spices and fruits it is really good with just some butter, or even with cheese or some fruit jam not only in the morning. As always, bread baking is as much of an art as it is a science. What works for me, may or may not work for you. Ingredients, starters, and overall environment play a key role in how your bread will turn out. So, get to know your dough. Tweak as you go. Weigh your ingredients. Trust your instincts. Own your style – my slight variantion of Marías super delicious recipe at the end. Most of all, have fun. It’s just the way it is. Go with the flow and you will excel. and now sit down at our virtual breakfast-chat-table relax and enjoy a slice of Marías bread with a good cup of coffee.


Your perfect breakfast?
My perfect breakfast would start with a slice of sourdough bread, cheese, and some vegetables such as cucumber or red pepper. I have quite a sweet tooth so something like a bun or a bowl of yoghurt and muesli would probably follow.

Where do you enjoy the best coffee in town and buy the most delicious loaf of bread?
The bread scene in Stockholm keeps getting better and better, but if I had to choose I would say Petrus (Swedenborgsgatan 4B). As for the coffee, Pascal (Norrtullsgatan 4) is always a good choice.

Do you have a special morning ritual?
Not really, but whenever I can I try to enjoy a slow morning with a nice breakfast while reading the news.

Breakfast with coffee or tea?
I try not to drink too much coffee or tea along the week, but in the weekends I usually treat myself to a few cups of coffee.


sourdough fig bread from María
220g emmer flour
100g rye flour
100g wheat bread flour
360-380 g water
9 g salt
150 g sourdough
200 g figs*
1 tablespoon fennel seeds

First prepare the sourdough by mixing a teaspoon of your starter** with 100g of lukewarm water and 100g of flour (for this recipe I used a mixed of whole wheat and all purpose flour, but any will do). The mix needs to rest for at least 8 hours and it will be ready when a spoonful floats in a glass of water.
When the sourdough is ready, use a big bowl to dissolve it in 360g of lukewarm water. Incorporate the different flours and let the mix rest for 25-40 minutes.
After the resting period, add the salt, figs and fennel. If the mix feels dry add a tablespoon of water. The dough should look rather muddy.
Grease a 34cm form with oil and fill it with the dough. Let it rest at room temperature for an hour.
After that time, cover the form with a plastic bag and place it in the lower part of your fridge during 8-12 hours. Alternatively, you can let the bread rise for 3-4 hours at room temperature. In both cases, the dough should reach the edge of the form.
If the fermentation took place in the fridge, take the bread out at least half an hour before baking. Use this time to preheat your oven at 250ºC. Do not forget to place an additional tray at the bottom to pour a glass of water right before putting your bread in.
Bake the bread for 20 minutes at 250ºC with the steam and around 35-40 minutes at 200ºC without steam (take the tray out quickly).
Once done remove the bread from the form and let it cool completely.

*You can replace the figs for any other fruit or seeds of your choice like Seville orange, raisins or sunflower seeds.
**There are many online sources that teach how to make a sourdough starter. I used this one the first time.
***This bread is very moist and tastes its best the day after.



160g oat flour, freshly ground
160g spelt flour, freshly ground
100g wheat bread flour + 1 tbs.
360g water
9 g salt
75 g sourdough*
3-6 dried pears, peaches, apricots
1 tsp. fennel seeds, coriander, anise – finely crushed or grounded with the grains

*Prepare the sourdough by mixing 12g of your starter with 32g of lukewarm water and 32g of whole wheat flour, or the flour you use normally for feeding your starter. The mix needs to rest for at 6-8 hours.

pictures 1/4 María – 3/4 milas-deli.

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5 Antworten auf humans and coincidences.

  1. mme ulma sagt:

    brotbacken wird schon allein beim beidirlesen zu einer unheimlichen verlockung, sinnstiftend, aufregend, meditativ, alles auf einmal. jetzt brauche ich endlich einmal den mut (genauer das vertrauen in meine fähigkeit, planvoll zu handeln, die ja wohl irgendwo auch in mir schlummern muss, nicht?), mich an sauerteig zu wagen.

  2. Kristiane sagt:

    Oh, schreibst Du nun zukünftig ausschließlich auf Englisch? Ohne Dir zu nahe treten zu wollen, habe ich die Übersetzung als etwas holprig empfunden und vermisse die Leichtigkeit Deiner Formulierungen, die Deine Texte sonst ausmacht.

    • susanne sagt:

      Liebe Kristiane, haha nein nein keine Angst – wenn ein ’sugar in the morning‘ Gast eine andere Sprache als Deutsch spricht wähle ich die Englische Sprache. Ich werde den Text eventuell nochmals besser übersetzen lassen 🙂 und dann wieder mehr deutsche Leichtigkeit – Grüße Susanne

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