
orto,bistro – the atmosphere is relaxed & community – on both sides of the bakery kitchen. It’s not about being perfect but everyone tries to do their best and share that with others. One employee told me in the lemon cake moment „I want to work with something beautiful / and I found it here.“ And beams from the bottom of her heart. Yes, everything is so special already but open to develop. An exciting path that is renewed every week – with some important constant.

Neele and Hannes do almost everything on their own, someone is always preparing something for today, tomorrow or the weekend – always  keeping the quality level high. Even if their energy is running low, they keep the motor running constantly. With a smile and a calmness that impressed me.

Veröffentlicht unter bread and friends, brotmanufakturen, gebacken mit | Schreib einen Kommentar


Sofi. Irgendwie und wo versuche ich und viele wieder anzufangen. Zu teilen, zu freuen. zusammen Zeit zu verbringen – mit Nähe so richtig nebeneinander, die Wärme der Anderen spüren.  Auch und trotzdem habe ich einige Brotreisen die letzten Monate festgehalten und fange sie nun an wieder mit euch zu teilen. Vielleicht in Zukunft an einem anderen Ort, aber davon bald mehr.

Veröffentlicht unter berlin, bread and friends, brotmanufakturen | Schreib einen Kommentar


Long story short.. this view, this bakery, this breakfast –  Lotta – her bread and amazing stuff was our reason to discover beautiful autumnal Bohuslän. Wish I had more time to hear her stories of life and bakers life. To see and taste her delicious bread and food. Or otherwise it’s good to come back!


Veröffentlicht unter bread and friends, brotmanufakturen, gebacken mit, schweden | Schreib einen Kommentar

bornholm jun.

Bornholm 2019 :: how I love these spontaneous meetings with creative people who shape their lives on their own. Deeply missing a kind of co-creative “business” with ideas ping pong and kindness – not too complicate. Thank you Malene for more than a Jun tasting morning.

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zum löwen.

On our way to Bornholm. A beautiful day in the countryside. Der Große Garten.

Veröffentlicht unter lieblingslokale, unterwegs | Schreib einen Kommentar

bornholm mo.

I enjoyed the time with Mo so much. She creates an atmosphere you instantly feel welcome – in her creative workshop where everything is perfectly “connected”.

Veröffentlicht unter dänemark, lieblingsläden | Schreib einen Kommentar

indigo meets sourdough – finally.

We are constantly learning and growing and changing- we are really an experiment. Hey that life is okay – make more memories the really good ones – be more of you. Very easy for me last Sunday in Petras apartment – her living and creative workshop  space – for dyeing with natural indigo and just to feel good! I look forward to more common ideas, projects and talks – happy weekend!

Veröffentlicht unter bread and friends, hannover | Schreib einen Kommentar

blue sunday.

„People are not linear beings. We do not move predictably or uniformly through a lived life. As we follow our hearts, new ones are constantly emerging. We get new insights, hit new depths, spot other horizons. So we move. Follow up, stay open, feel the doubt, seek inward, take a break, and occasionally set the pace up when something just has to happen NOW. There is no time in an honest life where we feel we know it all. There is not a goal or a definitive insight that deprives us of the responsibility to move on….“ Maj My

Thankful for the common experience – the present moment here and now, between blueberry bushes.

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mit blick auf die berge.

Brezen, Semmeln und Brot. Alles aus Dinkel – fast. „Aber sag es nicht weiter, dass meine Brezen aus Dinkelmehl gebacken werden, sonst kaufen sie nur die Touristen.“ Christl ist über Kuchen und Torten für die Familie zur (Sauerteig) Brot Bäckerin geworden. „Eine eigene Bäckerei wollte ich eigentlich nie führen“. Und jetzt hat sie eine Backstube in der die Sonne über den fernen Bergen aufgeht. Das war ihr wichtig, wenn sie schon nachts arbeitet – von 2 bis 2. Und dann abends nochmals die Teige vorbereiten für den nächsten Tag. Ein bis zwei Stunden hatte ich an diesem Morgen Zeit – und aus einem Gespräch wurde ein  – ich darf über die Schulter schauen und wenn nicht gerade Teig abgewogen wurde haben wir weiter geredet – über dies und das und unsere Brot Leidenschaft. Schön das Christl mich Augen zwinkernd hat sein lassen, in ihrer Backstube wie ich bin. Mit Kamera in der Hand, glücklich für den gemeinsamen Moment. Zum richtigen Zeitpunkt am richtigen Ort zu sein, weil ich es einfach gemacht habe.

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a home for good bread.

Traveling has no purpose. You travel because there is something out there that is worth seeing yourself. Because there are people whose life you can’t imagine, unless you meet them.

For some it is confusing that I plan my trips due to bakeries I discovered mostly online – or rather bakers, their places and their stories like others do with beaches or special sights on world maps.

Eline Ex has an artisan bakery „Broodbakkerij Ex“ in Amsterdam Noord, with an open workspace and a simple shop attached to it. We visit the bakery during our last holland short break on a sunny afternoon, the scent of awakening bread filling the room and a thin layer of flour veiling everything. Eline makes bread in a traditional French way, using only flour, water, salt, sourdough and her hands. In essence it’s a very simple product, but that is precisely what makes it so complex. Artisan bread baking is a really fine, really specific craft. In Eline’s „bread home“ you feel that the neighbourhood is very much involved with what she is doing there. It was very nice to notice during our visits how Eline’s customers are happy that she has opened her place in their neighborhood. They appreciate what she is doing, and are sincere in their feedback. It’s a warm place to be. 

Her fascination for bread arose when she worked in the kitchen of a restaurant in Paris. Every day they got bread from the best bakers in town and she realized how this really simple product inspired and fascinated her.  And she realized that sourdough bread baking – this very slow and intuitive process – was better suited to her life than the refined and fast work in the kitchen. She studied for six month with a wood-fired baker in Brittany, then she worked at de Superette in Ghent. After a year and a half she started her own business in the Netherlands, in the space of another baker. Sold her bread mostly on the Noordermarkt on Saturday. Until she opened her small open bakery in the summer of 2019 in Amsterdam Noord. 

So we have been on vacation near Amsterdam in early spring for 4 days, have slept wonderfully in a circus wagon and a very special apartment in the countryside. And have discovered many more people their places and stories, but that’s a new story.

Veröffentlicht unter bread and friends, brotmanufakturen, gebacken mit | 3 Kommentare